The HDCR characteristics are:
Controls the trapping to Hyp mode of Non-secure accesses, at EL1 or lower, to functions provided by the debug and trace architectures and the Performance Monitors Extension.
AArch32 System register HDCR bits [31:0] are architecturally mapped to AArch64 System register MDCR_EL2[31:0].
This register is present only when EL2 is capable of using AArch32. Otherwise, direct accesses to HDCR are UNDEFINED.
If EL2 is not implemented, this register is RES0 from EL3, and other than for a direct read of the register, the PE behaves as if HDCR.HPMN == PMCR.N.
HDCR is a 32-bit register.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Reserved, RES0.
Hyp Performance Monitors Freeze-on-overflow. Stop event counters on overflow.
HPMFZO | Meaning |
0b0 |
Do not freeze on overflow. |
0b1 |
Event counters do not count when PMOVSR[(PMCR.N-1):HDCR.HPMN] is nonzero. |
If HDCR.HPMN is less than PMCR.N, this field affects the operation of event counters in the range [HDCR.HPMN .. (PMCR.N-1)].
This field does not affect the operation of other event counters and PMCCNTR.
The operation of this field applies even when EL2 is disabled in the current Security state.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Multi-threaded PMU Enable. Enables use of the PMEVTYPER<n>.MT bits.
MTPME | Meaning |
0b0 |
FEAT_MTPMU is disabled. The Effective value of PMEVTYPER<n>.MT is zero. |
0b1 |
PMEVTYPER<n>.MT bits not affected by this bit. |
If FEAT_MTPMU is disabled for any other PE in the system that has the same level 1 Affinity as the PE, it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether the PE behaves as if this bit is 0b0.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Trap DCC. Traps use of the Debug Comms Channel at EL1 and EL0 to EL2.
TDCC | Meaning |
0b0 |
This control does not cause any register accesses to be trapped. |
0b1 | If EL2 is implemented and enabled in the current Security state, accesses to the DCC registers at EL1 and EL0 generate a Hyp Trap exception, unless the access also generates a higher priority exception. Traps on the DCC data transfer registers are ignored when the PE is in Debug state. |
The DCC registers trapped by this control are:
The traps are reported with EC syndrome value:
When the PE is in Debug state, HDCR.TDCC does not trap any accesses to:
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Hypervisor Long event counter enable. Determines when unsigned overflow is recorded by an event counter overflow bit.
HLP | Meaning |
0b0 |
Event counter overflow on increment that causes unsigned overflow of PMEVCNTR<n>[31:0]. |
0b1 |
Event counter overflow on increment that causes unsigned overflow of PMEVCNTR<n>[63:0]. |
If the highest implemented Exception level is using AArch32, it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether this bit is read/write or RAZ/WI.
If HDCR.HPMN is less than PMCR.N, this bit affects the operation of event counters in the range [HDCR.HPMN..(PMCR.N-1)].
This field does not affect the operation of other event counters.
The operation of this field applies even when EL2 is disabled in the current Security state.
PMEVCNTR<n>[63:32] cannot be accessed directly in AArch32 state.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Reserved, RES0.
Hypervisor Cycle Counter Disable. Prohibits PMCCNTR from counting at EL2.
HCCD | Meaning |
0b0 |
Cycle counting by PMCCNTR is not affected by this mechanism. |
0b1 |
Cycle counting by PMCCNTR is prohibited at EL2. |
This field does not affect the CPU_CYCLES event or any other event that counts cycles.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Reserved, RES0.
Traps use of the Trace Filter Control registers at EL1 to EL2 for MRC or MCR accesses, reported using EC syndrome value 0x03.
TTRF | Meaning |
0b0 |
Accesses to TRFCR at EL1 are not affected by this control bit. |
0b1 |
Accesses to TRFCR at EL1 generate a Hyp Trap exception. |
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Reserved, RES0.
Guest Performance Monitors Disable. Controls PMU operation in Hyp mode.
HPMD | Meaning |
0b0 |
Counters are not affected by this mechanism. |
0b1 | Affected counters are prohibited from counting in Hyp mode. If PMCR.DP is 1, then PMCCNTR is disabled in Hyp mode. Otherwise, PMCCNTR is not affected by this mechanism. |
The counters affected by this field are:
Other event counters are not affected by this field.
When PMCR.DP is 0, PMCCNTR is not affected by this field.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Guest Performance Monitors Disable. Controls PMU operation in Hyp mode when ExternalSecureNoninvasiveDebugEnabled() is FALSE.
HPMD | Meaning |
0b0 |
Counters are not affected by this mechanism. |
0b1 | If ExternalSecureNoninvasiveDebugEnabled() is FALSE then all the following apply: |
If ExternalSecureNoninvasiveDebugEnabled() is TRUE then the event counters and PMCCNTR are not affected by this field.
Otherwise, the counters affected by this field are:
Other event counters are not affected by this field. When PMCR.DP is 0, PMCCNTR is not affected by this field.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Reserved, RES0.
Trap Debug ROM Address register access. Traps Non-secure EL0 and EL1 System register MRC or MCR accesses, reported using EC syndrome value 0x05, and MRRC accesses, reported using EC syndrome value 0x0C, to the Debug ROM registers to Hyp mode.
TDRA | Meaning |
0b0 |
This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped. |
0b1 |
Non-secure EL0 and EL1 System register accesses to the DBGDRAR or DBGDSAR are trapped to Hyp mode, unless it is trapped by DBGDSCRext.UDCCdis. |
If HCR.TGE or HDCR.TDE is 1, behavior is as if this bit is 1 other than for the purpose of a direct read.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Trap debug OS-related register access. Traps Non-secure EL1 System register MRC or MCR accesses, reported using EC syndrome value 0x05, to the powerdown debug registers to Hyp mode.
TDOSA | Meaning |
0b0 |
This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped. |
0b1 |
Non-secure EL1 System register accesses to the powerdown debug registers are trapped to Hyp mode. |
The registers for which accesses are trapped are as follows:
These registers are not accessible at EL0.
If HCR.TGE or HDCR.TDE is 1, behavior is as if this bit is 1 other than for the purpose of a direct read.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Trap debug OS-related register access. Traps Non-secure EL1 System register MRC or MCR accesses, reported using EC syndrome value 0x05, to the powerdown debug registers to Hyp mode.
TDOSA | Meaning |
0b0 |
This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped. |
0b1 |
Non-secure EL1 System register accesses to the powerdown debug registers are trapped to Hyp mode. |
The registers for which accesses are trapped are as follows:
It is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether accesses to DBGOSDLR are trapped.
These registers are not accessible at EL0.
If HCR.TGE or HDCR.TDE is 1, behavior is as if this bit is 1 other than for the purpose of a direct read.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Trap debug access. Traps Non-secure EL0 and EL1 System register MRC or MCR accesses, reported using EC syndrome value 0x05, to those debug System registers in the (coproc==0b1110) encoding space that are not trapped by either of the following:
TDA | Meaning |
0b0 |
This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped. |
0b1 |
Non-secure EL0 or EL1 System register accesses to the debug registers, other than the registers trapped by HDCR.TDRA and HDCR.TDOSA, are trapped to Hyp mode, unless it is trapped by DBGDSCRext.UDCCdis. |
Traps of AArch32 accesses to DBGDTRRXint and DBGDTRTXint are ignored in Debug state.
If HCR.TGE or HDCR.TDE is 1, behavior is as if this bit is 1 other than for the purpose of a direct read.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Trap Debug exceptions. Controls routing of Debug exceptions, and defines the debug target Exception level, ELD.
TDE | Meaning |
0b0 |
The debug target Exception level is EL1. |
0b1 | If EL2 is enabled for the current Effective value of SCR.NS, the debug target Exception level is EL2, otherwise the debug target Exception level is EL1. The HDCR.{TDRA, TDOSA, TDA} fields are treated as being 1 for all purposes other than returning the result of a direct read of the register. |
For more information, see 'Routing debug exceptions'.
When HCR.TGE == 1, the PE behaves as if the value of this field is 1 for all purposes other than returning the value of a direct read of the register.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Hyp Enable.
HPME | Meaning |
0b0 |
Affected counters are disabled and do not count. |
0b1 |
Affected counters are enabled by PMCNTENSET. |
The counters affected by this field are event counters PMEVCNTR<n> for values of n greater than or equal to HDCR.HPMN and less than PMCR.N. This applies even when EL2 is disabled in the current Security state.
Other event counters and PMCCNTR are not affected by this field.
If HDCR.HPMN is equal to PMCR.N, then this field has no effect.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Trap accesses of PMU registers. Enables a trap to EL2 on accesses of PMU registers.
TPM | Meaning |
0b0 |
Accesses of the specified PMU registers are not trapped by this mechanism. |
0b1 |
Accesses of the specified PMU registers at EL1 and EL0 are trapped to EL2, unless the instruction generates a higher priority exception. |
The instructions affected by this control are:
Unless the instruction generates a higher priority exception, trapped instructions generate a Hyp Trap exception.
Trapped instructions are reported using EC syndrome value 0x03 for MRC and MCR accesses, and 0x04 for MRRC and MCRR accesses.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Trap PMCR accesses. Traps Non-secure EL0 and EL1 MCR or MRC accesses to the PMCR to Hyp mode, reported using EC syndrome value 0x03.
TPMCR | Meaning |
0b0 |
This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped. |
0b1 |
Non-secure EL0 and EL1 accesses to the PMCR are trapped to Hyp mode, unless it is trapped by PMUSERENR.EN. |
EL2 does not provide traps on Performance Monitor register accesses through the optional memory-mapped external debug interface.
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Defines the number of event counters PMEVCNTR<n> that are accessible from EL1 and, if permitted, from EL0.
HDCR.HPMN divides the event counters into a first range and a second range.
If HDCR.HPMN is not 0 and is less than the number of PMU event counters implemented by the PE, NUM_PMU_COUNTERS, then event counters [0..(HDCR.HPMN-1)] are in the first range, and the remaining event counters [HDCR.HPMN..(NUM_PMU_COUNTERS-1)] are in the second range.
If FEAT_HPMN0 is implemented and HDCR.HPMN is 0, then all of the following apply:
If HDCR.HPMN is equal to NUM_PMU_COUNTERS, or EL2 is not implemented, then all of the following apply:
All of the following apply for an event counter PMEVCNTR<n> in the first range:
All of the following apply for an event counter PMEVCNTR<n> in the second range:
Values greater than NUM_PMU_COUNTERS are reserved. If FEAT_HPMN0 is not implemented then the value 0 is reserved.
If this field is set to a reserved value, then the following CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE behaviors apply:
The reset behavior of this field is:
Reserved, RES0.
Accesses to this register use the following encodings in the System register encoding space:
coproc | opc1 | CRn | CRm | opc2 |
0b1111 | 0b100 | 0b0001 | 0b0001 | 0b001 |
if !HaveAArch32EL(EL2) then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL0 then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL1 then if EL2Enabled() && !ELUsingAArch32(EL2) && HSTR_EL2.T1 == '1' then AArch64.AArch32SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x03); elsif EL2Enabled() && ELUsingAArch32(EL2) && HSTR.T1 == '1' then AArch32.TakeHypTrapException(0x03); else UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL2 then if HaveEL(EL3) && EL3SDDUndefPriority() && !ELUsingAArch32(EL3) && MDCR_EL3.TDA == '1' then UNDEFINED; elsif HaveEL(EL3) && !ELUsingAArch32(EL3) && MDCR_EL3.TDA == '1' then if EL3SDDUndef() then UNDEFINED; else AArch64.AArch32SystemAccessTrap(EL3, 0x03); else R[t] = HDCR; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL3 then if SCR.NS == '0' then UNDEFINED; else R[t] = HDCR;
coproc | opc1 | CRn | CRm | opc2 |
0b1111 | 0b100 | 0b0001 | 0b0001 | 0b001 |
if !HaveAArch32EL(EL2) then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL0 then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL1 then if EL2Enabled() && !ELUsingAArch32(EL2) && HSTR_EL2.T1 == '1' then AArch64.AArch32SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x03); elsif EL2Enabled() && ELUsingAArch32(EL2) && HSTR.T1 == '1' then AArch32.TakeHypTrapException(0x03); else UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL2 then if HaveEL(EL3) && EL3SDDUndefPriority() && !ELUsingAArch32(EL3) && MDCR_EL3.TDA == '1' then UNDEFINED; elsif HaveEL(EL3) && !ELUsingAArch32(EL3) && MDCR_EL3.TDA == '1' then if EL3SDDUndef() then UNDEFINED; else AArch64.AArch32SystemAccessTrap(EL3, 0x03); else HDCR = R[t]; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL3 then if SCR.NS == '0' then UNDEFINED; else HDCR = R[t];
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